COVID-19 Safety

Safety Measures

The Monash Maker Faire will be implementing health and safety measures in keeping with the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s health and safety advice for public events, the Department of Education and Training’s School Operations Guide, and Monash University’s on-campus OHS measures.


The Monash Maker Faire partners encourage adult visitors and volunteers to be vaccinated for COVID-19 and Influenza.

Our operating arrangements function in partnership with students’ classroom teachers who maintain a duty of care for their students who are attending the event.

On entry attendees will be asked to declare any symptoms.

If symptoms exist or develop throughout the day, we ask that attendees please leave the Faire and return home.

Access Restrictions


Access to the Faire is restricted to ticket holders.


QR Code Check-In


All attendees will be required to check-in using the Service Victoria app.


Social Distancing


All makers and attendees will be encouraged to maintain social distancing. Capacity levels will be monitored to ensure social distancing measures can be met.




Staff and volunteers will be provided with access to P2/N95 masks. Attendees are encouraged to wear masks at the event.




Air flow is constantly monitored by the Building Automation System and set up to keep CO2 levels below 800ppm. 

Hand Sanitisers


Attendees are asked to practise hand hygiene as they enter and exit the Maker Faire, transition between spaces, use the bathrooms, and before and after equipment is used.

Commercial grade no-touch alcohol-based low-irritant hand sanitisers are located in key points throughout the Faire.

First Aid


COLMED First Aid will be on hand, school teachers are expected to still carry first aid kits as part of their school’s standard excursion policy. Standard precautions will be followed for infection control.